Friday 16 January 2015

My Soft Toy Disney Collection :)

Hey Everybody!!!! 

This is my first proper blog and I can't wait to get started!! This blog will be about all of my Disney soft toys and how much one of them means to me on an emotional level!  

So let's get started!

These are my babies and I love them so much!! I have Donald and Daisy Duck, Lady (from Lady and the Tramp), Pascal (from Tangled), Anna from Frozen (and she's the special one) I'll tell you more about her in a second, Thumper (from Bambi), my Elsa mug and last but extremely not least....... MINNIE & MICKEY MOUSE!!! Yayyyy!!! 

Now, I bet your asking "Why does Anna mean more than the others?" I'll tell you why, I went to Lakeside (for the first time in my life) with my very best friend and I had the most amazing day of my life, I've never had so much fun! I went to every single one of my favourite shops and I couldn't stop smiling, then I found the Disney Store.... Oh yes, things just got serious right now. It was like the heavens opened and a ray of sunlight beamed down on me!

I went in there and it was just magical as always when I go into the store haha, I searched for everything that I wanted but couldn't make a decision because I was on a budget. I found the Frozen display and I was so happy but I still couldn't decide what I wanted to buy! All I know is that I didn't wanna leave with out something.

At this point 20 minutes have past and I finally made a decision, I picked up Anna and the Elsa mug and said "Right, I'm taking these home!" I payed for them and the rest of my day just kept getting better and better. I have seriously never had a better day out in my life!! So everyone I look or hold Anna, I smile inside and out. If I have a bad day? Then I cuddle Anna and remember the best day ever!! That's why she is so special to me. 

Thank you so much for reading this, I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy my future blogs!! 

Have a fantastic day/night and I'll see you in the next blog..


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