Sunday 18 January 2015

Maleficent - The Misunderstood Villain.

Good evening everyone!!

This weeks Disney blog is about the very well known villain Maleficent, now I understand that she was awful with the spells she cast but she is just purely and simply misunderstood. 

Now, in the classic 1959 Walt Disney animation, Maleficent was portrayed and villainous character who bestowed a horrible "gift" upon Princess Aurora. The gift was a spell that was to make Aurora prick her finger on her 16th birthday and to fall into a sleep like death, this was just evil and cruel. 

We couldn't understand why she wanted to do this to an innocent young girl, she had done nothing to Maleficent. For years people tried to understand why she did that and that's what made her the most evil of them all. 

Until the spring/summer 2014 of course, when some very clever people decided to tell her story and what actually drove Maleficent to cast this spell. This story was revolutionary.

This film was brilliantly portrayed by Angelina Jolie (my hero) as Maleficent and Elle Fanning as Aurora...

This tale started completely different from what everyone (especially me) expected. The film depicts that Maleficent was just a regular young fairy and that she had the world ahead of her, she had the most beautiful wings I've ever seen. Her story started out relatively normal, a young girl having fun and enjoying life who then meets a young boy and starts to fall in love. 

This is where the story gets interesting as Disney have changed the idea of love and true love, young Maleficent falls in love and believes this boy truly loves her.  He stops wearing Iron made materials to protect her and shows her True Loves First Kiss.. Later on in life, they have both grown into adults and have both gone on separate life courses. 

That's when things turn for the worst, King Stefan deceives his kingdom into believing he's killed Maleficent even though he hasn't, he only took her wings and broke her heart. In turn, Maleficent takes revenge on him. After a while, King Stefan has a beautiful baby girl named Aurora. At her christening, Maleficent is told that she wasn't invited and invites herself of course.

For her revenge on King Stefan, she bestowed a gift upon the princess, that on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on a needle of a pinwheel. This would send her into a death like sleep that would last forever, the only thing that can wake her is "True Loves First Kiss" and that no power in the world can undo this "gift"...... 

Years go by and Aurora grows up with Maleficent watching her for the duration of this time, she (unknowingly) starts to become accustom to her charm and happiness Aurora has for the world around her. Eventually Maleficent starts to regret the spell she cast on her and tries to revoke it, but to no success.

On her birthday, Aurora has gone back to the castle and Maleficent tries to stop Aurora from going anywhere near a pinwheel. Unfortunately she's too late and the princess is now in her death like sleep, the fairies that looked after her, believed that if they found the prince that Aurora met in the forest, they can wake her up. Maleficent is almost certain that this doesn't exist in her past experience, Prince Phillip is found and is forced to kiss The Sleeping Beauty. This doesn't work. 

After a while, Maleficent steps out to apologise for what she has done to her. She says how much the princess has changed her life and made her look differently on the world, she then bends downs and kisses her forehead... Aurora wakes up. The act of True Loves First Kiss, proves you do not need a man to awaken you. Just someone who cares.

In the end, Maleficent gets her wings back and becomes queen of the moors and at the same time, Aurora becomes a queen as well!  

This story has made me love Disney even more than before, not by giving false hope or expectations (although I still love that) but by what love really is.. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing this! This story has inspired me so much and I hope it inspired you just as much. 

Until next time folks, Disney hugsssss Xoxo

(Pictures courtesy of Pinterest) 

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