Friday 30 January 2015

T͓̽h͓̽e͓̽ L͓̽i͓̽t͓̽t͓̽l͓̽e͓̽ M͓̽e͓̽r͓̽m͓̽a͓̽i͓̽d͓̽ 💗

Hello Disney fans!! 

This weeks blog will be about the beautiful Princess Ariel!! 

Now I know a lot of you (even me) whether your the older generation or the younger generation, The Little Mermaid made a very firm impression on you. I felt like I wanted to do a little blog about her and tell you my views and first impressions on Ariel, I hope you enjoy! 

Firstly, I would like to start by say how much I love this film. I remember growing up, how much I watched because I eventually ran down the tape haha.. (Yes! Way back when, VCR's were a thing haha..) I loved the songs and the characters and how positive Ariel was towards the human race. I wanted to be like her so badly and eventually my mum knitted me a tail fin skirt and I would sit and watch the film in it, I wanted to see the world like she did. Unfortunately, getting older I realised I couldn't do that but I do still try my hardest! :).. I watch it now at the age of 21 and I still feel like I'm watching it through a 5yr old girls eyes, I don't know how Disney does it?! But I love it. 

Now, every one knows how the story goes, a young mermaid who has her head in the clouds and wonders of a world that's separate to hers. She has the best sisters and an amazing father, along with her best friends of the sea.. Sebastian, flounder and we can't forget the knowledgeable seagull Scuttle! 

The story goes like this.. After adventure and after adventure, Ariel comes across a ship and "spies" on the crew to see what they are like, that is when she sees the most beautiful prince in the world.. Prince Eric, He is happily celebrating his birthday and Ariel likes what she sees.

How beautiful is this man? Seriously.. 

Anyway, soon after a big storm breaks out and the ships captain loses control meaning the whole ship goes down. Eric is flown into the see and Ariel panics and swims to his safety and helps him a shore, as he starts to wake, he hears a beautiful voice singing to him and it becomes etched into his head as he tries to find her. 

Later on Triton figures there's something up with Ariel as she sings everywhere she goes, her sister says that she's in love and triton is intrigued.. Eventually Sebastian let's lose that it's a human she's fallen for and triton demands for him to find Ariel, which leads him to her secret cave with nothing but human artefacts and of course, the statue of Eric. 

Triton is furious and destroys everything to teach her a lesson for disobeying him, after this, Flotsam and Jetsom (the 2 eels that are owned by the sea with Ursula) .. lure Ariel to her lair and she propositions her. 

Ursula's deal is to change Ariel into a human for three days and to fall in love with the Prince before sun down, but with one condition. Ariel had to give up her voice for this to happen and reluctantly, signs the contract. 

The transformation begins and Ariel is officially human but silenced in the process. 

The next thing you know, Ariel is on the beach with a new pair of legs and eager to find Eric. Which happens almost instantly as his dog finds her, Eric sees that she can't speak and thinks that this can't be the girl he had met but he helps here anyway. (You don't see that now a days.) 

Now I'm sure you all know how this part goes, it's a romantic setting with Eric trying to figure out who this beautiful girl is while Ariel is trying to get him to fall in love with her. This sounds tricky but it's so beautiful, especially the boat scene with the song "Kiss The Girl" (courtesy of Sebastian).. I could watch that all day, but of course every beautiful thing has an ugly side to it and Ursula sees how close Ariel is too kissing him and tries to stop this. 

Ursula herself becomes human and uses Ariel "stolen" vocal cords to lure Eric away from Ariel and gets him to marry her that day, which so happens to be the last day of Ariels human bargain to Ursula. The wedding ship departs and Scuttle realises who it is and tells the others, eventually all different birds and sea-life attack the guests and Ursula on the ship to stall the wedding so Ariel can get there. 

Then.. The shell that contains Ariels voice, breaks and releases it back to her and breaks Ursula's spell over Eric and he finally realised that Ariel is the girl he's been looking for!

After a long battle scene with Ursula and Eric slaying her, the two finally get married but only after King Triton understands how much she loves him and that he is going to have to let her go.

He gives her legs back, knowing he has to say good bye for her happiness, she finally has her man and literally sails into the sunset with him in her beautiful white dress and her sea family around her. 

I don't know how much more perfect this story can get? I watch this film when I want to feel some hope and inspiration in my day, I wish life was like this but I know that it can be similar in a way. 

I really enjoyed writing this and sharing my thoughts on this story and the Princess.. I'm not sure what my next one will be just yet but it will be awesome!! 

I love you all so much and thank you for reading.. Till next time folks.. Xoxoxoxo 

(Photos courtesy of Google images, Amazon and Pinterest) 

Sunday 18 January 2015

Maleficent - The Misunderstood Villain.

Good evening everyone!!

This weeks Disney blog is about the very well known villain Maleficent, now I understand that she was awful with the spells she cast but she is just purely and simply misunderstood. 

Now, in the classic 1959 Walt Disney animation, Maleficent was portrayed and villainous character who bestowed a horrible "gift" upon Princess Aurora. The gift was a spell that was to make Aurora prick her finger on her 16th birthday and to fall into a sleep like death, this was just evil and cruel. 

We couldn't understand why she wanted to do this to an innocent young girl, she had done nothing to Maleficent. For years people tried to understand why she did that and that's what made her the most evil of them all. 

Until the spring/summer 2014 of course, when some very clever people decided to tell her story and what actually drove Maleficent to cast this spell. This story was revolutionary.

This film was brilliantly portrayed by Angelina Jolie (my hero) as Maleficent and Elle Fanning as Aurora...

This tale started completely different from what everyone (especially me) expected. The film depicts that Maleficent was just a regular young fairy and that she had the world ahead of her, she had the most beautiful wings I've ever seen. Her story started out relatively normal, a young girl having fun and enjoying life who then meets a young boy and starts to fall in love. 

This is where the story gets interesting as Disney have changed the idea of love and true love, young Maleficent falls in love and believes this boy truly loves her.  He stops wearing Iron made materials to protect her and shows her True Loves First Kiss.. Later on in life, they have both grown into adults and have both gone on separate life courses. 

That's when things turn for the worst, King Stefan deceives his kingdom into believing he's killed Maleficent even though he hasn't, he only took her wings and broke her heart. In turn, Maleficent takes revenge on him. After a while, King Stefan has a beautiful baby girl named Aurora. At her christening, Maleficent is told that she wasn't invited and invites herself of course.

For her revenge on King Stefan, she bestowed a gift upon the princess, that on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on a needle of a pinwheel. This would send her into a death like sleep that would last forever, the only thing that can wake her is "True Loves First Kiss" and that no power in the world can undo this "gift"...... 

Years go by and Aurora grows up with Maleficent watching her for the duration of this time, she (unknowingly) starts to become accustom to her charm and happiness Aurora has for the world around her. Eventually Maleficent starts to regret the spell she cast on her and tries to revoke it, but to no success.

On her birthday, Aurora has gone back to the castle and Maleficent tries to stop Aurora from going anywhere near a pinwheel. Unfortunately she's too late and the princess is now in her death like sleep, the fairies that looked after her, believed that if they found the prince that Aurora met in the forest, they can wake her up. Maleficent is almost certain that this doesn't exist in her past experience, Prince Phillip is found and is forced to kiss The Sleeping Beauty. This doesn't work. 

After a while, Maleficent steps out to apologise for what she has done to her. She says how much the princess has changed her life and made her look differently on the world, she then bends downs and kisses her forehead... Aurora wakes up. The act of True Loves First Kiss, proves you do not need a man to awaken you. Just someone who cares.

In the end, Maleficent gets her wings back and becomes queen of the moors and at the same time, Aurora becomes a queen as well!  

This story has made me love Disney even more than before, not by giving false hope or expectations (although I still love that) but by what love really is.. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing this! This story has inspired me so much and I hope it inspired you just as much. 

Until next time folks, Disney hugsssss Xoxo

(Pictures courtesy of Pinterest) 

Friday 16 January 2015

My Soft Toy Disney Collection :)

Hey Everybody!!!! 

This is my first proper blog and I can't wait to get started!! This blog will be about all of my Disney soft toys and how much one of them means to me on an emotional level!  

So let's get started!

These are my babies and I love them so much!! I have Donald and Daisy Duck, Lady (from Lady and the Tramp), Pascal (from Tangled), Anna from Frozen (and she's the special one) I'll tell you more about her in a second, Thumper (from Bambi), my Elsa mug and last but extremely not least....... MINNIE & MICKEY MOUSE!!! Yayyyy!!! 

Now, I bet your asking "Why does Anna mean more than the others?" I'll tell you why, I went to Lakeside (for the first time in my life) with my very best friend and I had the most amazing day of my life, I've never had so much fun! I went to every single one of my favourite shops and I couldn't stop smiling, then I found the Disney Store.... Oh yes, things just got serious right now. It was like the heavens opened and a ray of sunlight beamed down on me!

I went in there and it was just magical as always when I go into the store haha, I searched for everything that I wanted but couldn't make a decision because I was on a budget. I found the Frozen display and I was so happy but I still couldn't decide what I wanted to buy! All I know is that I didn't wanna leave with out something.

At this point 20 minutes have past and I finally made a decision, I picked up Anna and the Elsa mug and said "Right, I'm taking these home!" I payed for them and the rest of my day just kept getting better and better. I have seriously never had a better day out in my life!! So everyone I look or hold Anna, I smile inside and out. If I have a bad day? Then I cuddle Anna and remember the best day ever!! That's why she is so special to me. 

Thank you so much for reading this, I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy my future blogs!! 

Have a fantastic day/night and I'll see you in the next blog..


Thursday 15 January 2015

My First Disney Blog!!

Hi Everyone!! 

This is my first blog I'm doing that is solely based on Disney, I'm so excited to share this with you all! I get to be a big kid on this blog and I'm loving the thought of it!! 

If you want to check out my other, more realistic blog into my random life then press this link below :) 

In these Disney blogs I will talk about all the princesses (in individual blogs of course), Princes and all of the characters you've come to know and unconditionally love! 

I hope you enjoy them and if you want me to blog about any character specifically, then comment below and I'll do my best to entertain you! 

So for now, spread the word that I'm here and I'll look forward to blogging the things I love about Disney!! 

Goodbye my sweeties.. xoxo